“Pick Your Battles” is an old adage
Co-parenting is exhausting and especially if you are going to the wall on every single issue that arises.
You’ll need to have some give and take in your relationship with your ex-spouse.
There will be challenging conversations – do not hide from them, but it is ok to step away for a break when things get heated.
Use phrases like “I’d like to give it some thought” or “I’ll reflect on this, and get back to you by XXX” as opposed to an immediate reaction.
200 Elgin Street, Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L5
(613) 594-8000
Fax no : (613) 235-7578

COMMUNICATION is definitely a powerful tool.
Establishing “Communication Agreements” is one of the most valuable pieces of advice we can offer our clients, who may be engaged in heated exchanges.
Learn to be a good listener – this is key to successful communication.
That does not mean that you agree with what was said, but rather that you have heard the other person, and that your response is in thoughtful reply to what was communicated.
200 Elgin Street, Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L5
(613) 594-8000
Fax no : (613) 235-7578