Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to correct dysfunctions in the spine, helping to seek pain relief, and often generating an overall feeling of wellness with more energy, better mental focus, and improved digestion or metabolism. Life really may seem better and ongoing chiropractic treatments may provide a way to keep life on track and moving ahead.
The specifics of chiropractic treatment may help improve nerve communication in the body, improved joint motion and coordination, relief from back and neck pain, or relief from leg, knee, foot or ankle pain. In addition, chiropractors may deal with arm, wrist, shoulders or elbow pain, bursitis and arthritis.
When you visit, your chiropractor will ask about your pain, your normal routine, and your medical history. The goal will be to help you seek relief without using pain medications or surgery.
Often the initial diagnosis leads to a pattern of ongoing visits that may give you the opportunity to stay tuned up as you pursue individual concerns like losing weight, reducing stress or becoming stronger and more active.
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