This epic,customized bag is everything you and your dog need for week-end getaways!This CUSTOMIZED travel bag includes:
✌🏼Machine washable cloth bag printed on two sides:
one side~
“Life is more of an adventure when you do it with your BFF”
other side~
“Living My Best Life #dogmomlife”
✌🏼A Mars Customized tumbler, which is one of the very best and keeps your drinks hot or cold for 8 hours.(perfect when walking the dog)
✌🏼Customized Ceramic mug with super wide handle.
✌🏼Customized Resealable Treat Bag
✌🏼Customized Resealable breakfast,lunch,supper bags.
MADE LOCALLY by an Ottawa business woman Kelly McDonald
who owns Backyard Peddler’s Daughter!!
This entire ,long lasting set of awesomeness is $99/
Super Unique.Super Fun.Super Helpful.